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Lol useropts
07-04-2009, 07:13 PM,
Lol useropts
Mess up your game

ILTTCPEngineLogging = 1
WR_DrawNavMesh = 1
Verbose = 8
LogFileNames = 8
LogToFile = 3
ServerDebugWindowEnabled = 1

# Disable the matrix letter load effect...
WR_MatrixView_Min_T =-1
WR_MatrixView_Max_T =0

Splash0 = ""
SplashDelay0 = 1
Splash1 = ""
SplashDelay1 = 1
Splash2 = ""
SplashDelay2 = 1
Splash3 = ""
SplashDelay3 = 1
Splash4 = ""
SplashDelay4 = 1
Splash5 = ""
SplashDelay5 = 1
CameraChaseDuration = 0.1
ILCameraMode = 2
CameraMinDist =50
CameraMaxDist =2800
CameraMaxSpeed = 1000
TargetClearOnClick = 0
AntiAliasFSOverSample = 16
AntiAliasFSQuality = 16

UseLaunchPad = 1
ILTTCPEngineLogging = 1
PacketLifespam = 0
UDPPacketEncryptionStyle = 2
StaticInitVector = 0
No_Load_Textures = 1
CachedFileReport = 1
SubAlloc_DebugProfile = 1
Sim_Time_Scale = 1.0
Sim_Time_ShowAdjust = 1

ConsoleX = 200.0
ConsoleY = 200.0
ConsoleWidth = 500.0
ConsoleHeight = 500.0
ConsoleMinLines = 20
ConsoleFontSize = 20
ConsoleAlpha = 1.0
ConsoleShowRunFile = 1
ConsoleEchoToFile = 1
UseWorldPhysics = 0
DefaultHardline = 5
LogToFile = 1
ReloadRules = 1
DebugPreloadAnims = 1
Client_RenderThrottle_Override = 1
ModelDefaultMaterialLibrary = 0x22000077
AlwaysPollTCP = 0
ServerDebugWindowEnabled = 0
MapShowThreatOverlay = 0
MapShowPOIText = 1
MapShowPOIPosition = 1
ResetViewPositions = 1
HardlineLACloseDistance = 100.0

DMWindowXLocation = 200
DMWindowYLocation = 200
DMWindowHeightLocation = 500
DMWindowWidthLocation = 500
ShowSelectMaxSearchRange = 50000.0
CombatChatLevel = 50
CombatAnimTime = 0.05
CombatUIMultiOnOneMultiplier = 1000.0
CombatUIShowStates = 1
CombatUIShowTacticInputs = 1
InterlockIconAnimTime = 2.0
ui_LatencyThreshold = 2000
MapRotation = 50
MissionVendorCloseDistance = 500.0
PlayerFaceCamY = 172
ShowItemIDInVendor = 1
EnableMessageTrace = 1
MaxMerchantPurchaseDistSqr = 900000.0
cl_ReportOldNeighborhood = 1
EnterWorldCmd = ""
ILCameraMode = 2

CameraNavMeshPhysics = 1
CameraPhysics = 1
CameraSpherePhysics = 1
CameraFrustumPhysics = 1

TestPropBox = 1
ILCameraShowTransform = 1
KeyConfigUseServer = ""
CombatAttackDelayTime = 0.5
MovementRotationVelocity = 360.0
MovementRotationScale = 8.0
MovementStrafeVelocityScale = 0.4
PlayerPathing_UseQuickPath = 0
ShowPlayerPath = 1
ChallengeMaxConsiderTime = 50.0
MaxCharacterVelocity = 5000.0
MusicSystemDebug = 1
ConsoleText = "DERP"
Verbose = 1
LogFileNames = 1
Cin_Play_File = ""
Cin_ShowTiming = 1
SecondsPerRSetRebuild = 0
CyclesPerRSetRebuild = 1
DefconRSetRebuildScalar = 1.0
RelevanceLostDelay = 5
RelevanceLostSendRate = 0.2
ClientObjectCleanupInterval = 3.0
DPrintf = 1
VerifyClientInput = 1
VerifyServerInput = 1
DObSysDebugBreak = 1
DObSysXTrack = 1
DisconnectOnHandleInputError = 1
LengthWordForHandleInputRecovery = 0
FX_Packed_RezID = 0x22000026
NormalizeNormals = 1
Render_No_Textures = 1
Wireframe = 1
RenderDebugLevel = 50
Gfx_Force_Cull_None = 1
ServerFPS = 20.0
UDPConnSendInterval = 300
IPDebug = 1
UDPConnWaitTime = 10000
ShowConnStats = 1
BandwidthTargetClient = 500
BandwidthTargetServerLoading = 1000
BandwidthTargetServer = 2000
PaceIntervalClient = 0.5
PaceIntervalServerLoading = 0.4
PaceIntervalServer = 0.4
ShowThruput = 1
MinPacketSize = 100
#ClientTroubleHint =
DirtyWordFile = ""
ReservedWordFile = ""
Profile_Enable = 1
IgnoreLayoutVersion = 1
VerboseUIDebugging = 1
WR_Water_Use_Version_2 = 1
Workshop_NavPorcessing = 1
WR_InteriorMapScale = 7.0
WR_DrawNavMesh = 1
WR_DrawPhysics = 1
WR_DrawExteriorBBs = 1
WR_DrawPropBBs = 1
WR_DrawObjectBBs = 1
WR_DebugDirtyRect = 1
WR_DebugPortals = 1
WR_DebugOccluders = 1
WR_TracePropRenders = 1
WR_DebugDynamicLights = 1
WR_IntFullbright = 1
WR_DLDisplayLoadScreen = 1
WR_DrawInteriorNormals = 1
WR_DrawExteriorNormals = 1
LoadScreen_Tex_RezID = 0x22000062
WR_DLLoadScreenStartPercentage = 50
WR_DLLoadScreenTotalPercentage = 100
WR_DLOptimizeDynamicLoadHandling = 1
DL_FloorHeight = 420.0
WR_UseOptimizedPhysics = 0
ability_max_avg_value_skew = 1.6
ability_max_avg_value_growth = 5.0
ability_stddevs_per_range = 1
NPCDetection_DistanceFactor = 0.01
NPCDetection_NoiseFactor = 0.01
ILTTCPEngineLogging = 1
PacketLifespan = 1


DelayScriptsIfNotPrefetched = 0
ScriptShowAdjust = 1
ShowServerUpdate = 1
ShowJump = 1
DamageNumberAttachNode = 5
DamageNumberOffset = 2.0
AlwaysShowHealth = 1
ShowAllHealthInCombat = 1
AllowedServerPosTweak = 0.1
JumpPhysics = 0
PlayerExtrapolateMovement = 1
CharacterMaxServerDistSqr = 1000000.0
CharacterShowServerPos = 1
CombatIdleChangeChance = 1
CombatMinIdleDuration = 1.0
CombatMaxIdleDuration = 2.0
CombatClientSmartWeaponEquip = 0
CombatMoveWeaponInvalidateTime = 1200
UpdateDeltaCharacterMvt = 100
CmpChar_HackView_Enable = 1
CmpChar_HackView_MinLvl_Float = 1.0
CmpChar_HackView_MaxLvl = 50.0
ShowTitleInName = 1
DebugNoise = 10
DebugRipple = 10
StartAttributeEffectLevel = 40
UsableExecuteMaxDist = 100000.0
AlwaysPvP = 1
AbilityDebugOut = 1
AbilityWarningsOut = 1
TMSerializeDbg = 1
MaxSimulacraCount = 10
RSILibraryID = 0x3A00020E
CombatMinUnlockDuration = 0.2
AlwaysDoBulletTime = 1
ReloadAugments = 1
CombatMaxConnectedHeight = 15000.0
CombatMaxConnectedRange = 60000.0
CombatMaxHeight = 50000.0
CombatFailedForcedAttackIS = 1
CombatWithdrawIS = 1
AMBUSH_LeadDist = 14000.0
TARGETCHOOSER_DetectionHeight = 100.0
TARGETCHOOSER_PassiveTimeBetweenPings = 1.0
TARGETCHOOSER_SpawnedTimeBetweenPings = 0.12
TARGETCHOOSER_AttackRange = 3000.0
AI_NPCsCheckLevel = 0
AI_AggroDecayTime = 2.0
AI_DelayBeforeDecay = 1.0
AI_NewAggroBaseValue = 5.0
AI_ProximityAggroBaseValue = 2.0
AI_ActionTime = 1.0
AI_StartCombatPassive = 1
AI_MinimumEngagedTurns = 1000
AI_DestroyOnDeathDelay = 999.0
AI_AttackDistance = 1.0
AI_BaseLootTime = 9999.0
AI_TgtSwitchProbability = 1.0
AI_UseSmartAbilities = 0
AI_InterlockFailureRetries = 1
AI_InterlockRetryTimeout = 90.0
AGENT_TransformTime = 999.0
AI_AgentChaseEngageDistance = 1.0
AI_AgentNotAttackedTime = 1.0
AI_AgentCantAttackTargetTime = 2.0
AGENT_AttackDistance = 1.0
AI_TalkDuration = 999.0
JumpMinDuration = 0.1
JumpMaxDuration = 0.2
JumpAverageSpeed = 1000.0
JumpMaxSpeed = 9999.0
HyperJumpInitDist = 99999.0
HyperJumpScaleDist = 999.0
HyperJumpMaxDist = 99999999.0
HyperJumpInitHeight = 9999.0
HyperJumpScaleHeight = 999.0
HyperJumpMaxHeight = 9999999.0
FreeJumpInitDist = 9999999.0
FreeJumpMaxDist = 9999999.0
MovementDiagnostics = 1
#Magnitude of position change needed to
AGENT_Draw = 1
BreakOnMissingCharSheet = 1
07-05-2009, 09:45 PM,
RE: Lol useropts
ILTTCPEngineLogging = 1
UDPPacketEncryptionStyle = 2

Do you know what these both do/how they worked? i found these option some weeks ago, but they didnt took a real affect.

Is this your complete useropts.cfg file? Does it work at you?
07-05-2009, 10:20 PM,
RE: Lol useropts
its a bunch of options i found in the binaries
most of them are serverside, so they dont work...
udpencryptionstyle, meh, governs what headers are in the udp packets, however, i have style 2 working anyway, no need to change this
07-09-2009, 04:54 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-09-2009, 05:14 AM by Bayamos.)
RE: Lol useropts
[Image: useropts.png]

There are server-side settings like AI, Agents, Combat and such, but there are also regular / admin-only useropts. In the pic above, top is regular useropt, bottom is admin-only useropt.

Arg2 = default value. Admin-only useropts have an additional field in between "default" and "description".

Regardless, we can edit what is pushed on the stack from arg2, and effectively change the default value. The only problem is that a CRC is performed as MXO launches the loading area; if it doesn't pass the client is shut down. If it does, client.dll is loaded into protected memory, so no memory editing. So if the CRC could be bypassed (and then hopefully no packet faking required additionally) admin useropts would be a go.

EDIT: Durrrr didn't see raj had made a thread about crc already.
07-09-2009, 05:31 AM,
RE: Lol useropts
protected memory wat ? i was able to hook functions and read/write mem just fine with detours in the client.dll as well as matrix.exe

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